Art Problems: Is My Art Good Enough?
(graphic Hrag Vartanian/Hyperallergic, original photo via Chris Brook's Flickrstream)
Paddy writes on imposter syndrome for her first column at Hyperallergic. An excerpt:
“I feel like I don’t belong—that my art isn’t good enough, or if it is, I’m fundamentally flawed in some way that will prevent me from ever succeeding. I apply for open calls and residencies but I don’t get many. What can I do?” —Down and Figuring it Out
Let’s begin by establishing what belonging means and why you feel you don’t fit in.
Belonging is community acceptance. In creative fields, this might mean inclusion in shows, press mentions, and invitations to exclusive events — fairly standard markers of success in a marketplace that relies heavily on a model of exclusivity. For all the camaraderie we may feel when we connect to people who share our passion, the industry perpetuates a sense of exclusion amongst most of its members.
In other words, it’s not an accident that you feel like shit. The art industry is literally designed to make you feel that way.
To read more click here.